May, 2023: Window Installation and Parking Garage Foundation

Park It


These concrete slabs were poured for the parking garage at the new Sherwin-Williams headquarters facility, providing the foundation on which the rest of the structure will be built.

Windows With a View


These windows on the lower levels of the tower at our new headquarters facility will provide our workers with beautiful views of the city of Cleveland.

Reflecting On Our Progress


As window installation began on the tower, we took a moment to appreciate the incredible progress we've made toward making our dream a reality.

Looking Up


As each floor is added to the tower, it is outfitted with attractive glass windows. Here, a crane lifts a window into place.

Raise A Glass


Once windows are lifted to the correct floor, the construction team works together to ensure the windows are properly secured in place.

Nothing But Blue Skies


Thanks to mild weather and an efficient work crew, window installation on our Global Headquarters is progressing at a steady pace.

The Sherwin-Williams Company (“Sherwin-Williams”) owns all right title and interest in and to the project progress videos and photos located  on this page (the “Videos” and the “Photos”).


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