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Occupational Health & Safety

The safety of our employees and customers isn't just a priority — it's a foundational value recognized at the highest levels of our organization and at every facility in which we operate. S-W Cares is our safety culture initiative to define a roadmap for achieving environmental, health and safety (EHS) excellence across the Company. It provides a leadership governance structure that is supported by tools to continuously track and measure our efforts to ensure safe workplaces, protect the environment and meet or exceed regulatory requirements.

Prioritizing Safety While Optimizing Performance

We have formal systems to help employees “find, own, fix and report” workplace EHS hazards before they lead to an incident. Every manufacturing site has developed a safety action plan, and monthly trainings are conducted to reinforce specific focus areas and ensure the implementation of best practices. Employees use what they have learned to audit their personal workspace for potential issues. The effort highlights the fact that employees – regardless of role – can directly impact the safety of their workplace.


In 2023, we launched our new data management system to further enhance our reporting and oversight capabilities. This program enhances our ability to find, own, fix and report health and safety issues. Within the software, there are dedicated learning and training modules and other easily accessible resources to help drive continued learning while promoting the safety and well-being of our employees.

2023 Safety Performance Data


recordable case rate


Global Supply Chain sites injury-free in 2023


U.S. Sites Approved in Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)

Occupational Health & Safety

Occupational Health & Safety Goals 

As we continually strive to achieve zero recordable injuries, we have set goals we are targeting to accomplish by 2025:

  • Safety & Risk: Reduce recordable case rate to 0.8 by 2025, compared with 1.06 in 2020
  • Occupational Health: Reduce the number of ergonomic injuries by implementing at least two interventions per year at each manufacturing site