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Celebrating Our 2022 S-W Cares EHS Award Winners

Every year, we recognize facilities that have made significant progress in health and safety through our S-W Cares EHS Awards.


Award recipients are selected based on criteria including injury performance, risk assessments, action plan closure, ergonomics improvements, spill performance, employee engagement, leadership, safe processing improvements, perception and culture, and social responsibilities. In 2022, 15 sites submitted presentations for consideration, and two were recognized with the awards:


Argentina Site Wins S-W Cares Excellence in EHS Award

The Sherwin-Williams facility in Argentina earned the 2022 S-W Cares EHS Excellence Award for demonstrating ongoing commitment to safe operations. At the time of the award, the Argentina site had gone more than three years without an injury, had zero reportable spills and completed 24 risk assessments in 2022, among other risk reduction and EHS-related initiatives. The team showed outstanding EHS leadership and employee engagement.

Honorable mention went to our facility in Taboão da Sarra, Brazil.


Garland, Texas, Site Wins S-W Cares Most Improved Award

The Garland, Texas, Miller Road plant received the 2022 S-W Cares EHS Most Improved Award for their remarkable progress in the identified criteria areas, driven by notable examples of leadership and employee engagement. In 2022, the Garland teams completed significant risk reduction initiatives, including 37 risk assessments – reducing the likelihood for injuries and spills. The site achieved zero recordable injuries in 2022.

Honorable mention went to our facility in Santiago, Chile.


This story is featured in the Sherwin-Williams 2022 Sustainability Report.